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How to spot a slow season and thrive through it

Learn how to plan ahead, refresh your strategy, and make the most of quiet times for your agency.

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Author photo: Jemicah Marasigan

Jemicah Marasigan

Content Marketing Manager

Running an agency or consultancy? You’ve probably felt the grind of a packed schedule and the panic when things slow down. Those slow seasons can leave you feeling a little lost.

But here's the thing: slow seasons aren’t a setback.

If you know how to spot them early and plan around them, you can actually turn those quiet times into golden opportunities for growth.

How to spot the signs of an upcoming slow season

You know how sometimes things just feel… off? Like, one minute you're juggling ten clients and then suddenly, it feels like crickets? Slow seasons might seem to sneak up on you, but there are actually some clues along the way.

Agency Office Hours’ Melissa Lohrer, the founder of Waverly Ave. Consulting, and Meredith Fennessy Witts, the founder of Le Chéile, have a few signals they see in their own businesses:

The sales cycles are getting longer

Ever had a project that should’ve kicked off in a month, but it’s now stretching into three? If you notice clients taking their sweet time to sign on the dotted line, it could be a sign that a slow season is creeping in.

Social media engagement has slowed down

Remember when your social posts were getting all the love and your emails were full of replies? If that’s slowed down, your audience may have shifted their focus. A drop in engagement is usually a sign that your services aren’t top of mind right now.

Budget talk is everywhere

Suddenly, every client is haggling over prices or asking to trim the scope of work? That’s a signal. Clients tend to get a little more cautious with their spending when they’re feeling the pinch, which often means a slowdown is near.

There isn't as much urgency

Conversations with prospects might shift from “We need this ASAP!” to “Let’s revisit this in a few months.” When the urgency fades, it’s a pretty clear sign that things are slowing down.

History repeats itself with revenue patterns

Ever looked back at your revenue patterns and realized certain months are always a bit slower? Many agencies notice dips around the end of the year and during the summer months. These are the times when clients are on vacation, budgets are being reassessed, and projects tend to take a backseat.

Of course, your slow season can vary based on different reasons. But, if you know your slow season tends to hit around the same time each year, you can plan ahead.

8 ways to make the most of a slow season

A slow season doesn’t have to be a setback. By reframing it as a period for growth and planning, you can use this time strategically to prepare for the next busy cycle. Here are ways to turn a slow season into a “grow season”:

1. Shake up your daily routine

Sometimes all it takes is a change of scenery to get the creative juices flowing again. Try working from a new spot, switching up your daily routine, or even taking a different route to the office. Small tweaks can lead to big ideas, ones you probably missed when you were running around during busier times.

2. Revisit your brand strategy

Use the slower pace to reflect on your brand’s direction. Is your messaging still on point? Does your visual identity need a refresh? This is a great time to fine-tune your brand to make sure it’s resonating with your audience and ready to stand out when things pick up again.

3. Brainstorm with a peer

As you're getting through a slow season, team up with another agency or small business owner for a brainstorming session. You can swap ideas, tackle challenges, and maybe even discover new opportunities that weren’t on your radar before.

4. Reach out to old contacts

Got a little extra time on your hands? Now’s the perfect moment to reconnect with past and existing clients or industry pals you haven’t spoken to in a while. A simple “Hey, how’s it going?” email could lead to new projects or partnerships you didn’t even see coming.

5. Give your website and SEO a refresh

Check if everything on your website is running smoothly. Are your pages loading quickly? Are all the links working? Is your content up to date?

At the same time also hone in on your website’s search engine optimization (SEO) performance.

Optimizing keywords, refreshing meta descriptions, and improving internal links can boost your organic traffic, which means more eyes on your brand and, ultimately, more potential clients.

6. Enhance your skills

When business is slow, think of this as your chance to sharpen your skills. Sign up for an online course, check out some webinars, or dive into learning a new tool. This is a great time to get ahead. You’ll thank yourself later when things get busy again.

7. Update your portfolio or case studies

Use the slower season to refresh your portfolio or create new case studies from recent projects. Highlight the results you’ve achieved for clients, showcase your best work, and make sure everything reflects your current skills and services. A polished, up-to-date portfolio can attract new clients and help you stand out when things get busy again.

8. Say yes to things you usually don't

Are you normally too busy to attend industry or networking events or join a community group? Do you want to focus more time on applying to be on panels or mentor others? Don't be afraid to use this time to say "yes." You never know what kind of relationships or opportunities might come from networking during a slow season.

Long-Term ways to handle slow seasons like a pro

Build a safety net

Instead of stressing over a slow season, why not embrace it? Use this time to recharge both personally and professionally.

Plan your vacations or take that break you’ve been putting off during the quieter months. Plus, by aligning your time off with slower periods, you won’t feel like you’re missing out on work opportunities.

In the long run, when business picks up again, you’ll be rested, recharged, and ready to crush it with new focus and enthusiasm.

You can also use this time to work on any passion projects you’ve wanted to explore but never had time for.

Improve your operations and increase efficiency

A slow season is the perfect time to step back and evaluate how things are running day-to-day. Are there any bottlenecks slowing you down? Still doing tasks manually that could be automated? Now’s your chance to tidy up those workflows and make everything run a whole lot smoother.

This is where a CRM like Copper can make a real difference. It helps you organize all your client communications in one place. Plus you can also track deals and automate follow-ups or lead nurturing. Instead of juggling everything manually, Copper helps you keep things on track and ensures nothing falls through the cracks.

Also, take a look at how your team is communicating. Are emails lost in endless threads or is everyone on the same page? Copper can help with that too, keeping all your interactions clear and organized without the chaos of a cluttered inbox.

With the help of a CRM, you can optimize your operations. That way, when business picks up again, you’re not just keeping up—you’re ahead of the game.

Don’t slash your prices

When things slow down, it’s easy to think, “Maybe I should just drop my prices to bring in more clients.” But, resist that urge.

Once you lower your rates, it’s tough to raise them back up when business picks up again. Instead, focus on adding value without cutting into your bottom line.

Why not create limited-time packages that feel like a special deal? Maybe you can offer a bonus consultation, a strategy session, or bundle a few services together for a fresh offer. This way, clients feel like they’re getting something extra, and you keep your pricing where it should be.

Another move? Shift the conversation to show the return on investment (ROI) of your services. Help clients see why working with you now can actually set them up for success when things get busy again.

It’s all about making sure you keep your worth intact while giving clients a little nudge to take action now.

Embrace the slow season

Slower seasons don’t have to knock you off your game. Instead, use these seasons to reset, get organized, and set the stage for even bigger wins ahead.

By keeping an eye out for the signs, tightening up your processes, and making the most of that downtime, you’ll turn those quiet moments into opportunities for growth.

Ready to level up your client relationships and grow your business? If you work directly in Google Workspace, give Copper a try!

Our CRM platform can help you manage leads, automate follow-ups, and keep your business thriving. Start your free trial today and see how Copper can help you grow, even when things slow down.

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