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How to recover from losing a major client

Turn your setback into a comeback!

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Author photo: Jemicah Marasigan

Jemicah Marasigan

Content Marketing Manager

Losing a major client can feel like a punch to the gut, but it can actually be a great opportunity to grow and improve. It may feel overwhelming at first, but think of it as a chance to pause, reflect, and strengthen your relationships with your other customers. Plus, you can also take this as an opportunity to avoid running into the same issues again.

With the right mindset you’ll bounce back even stronger.

1. Reflect and understand what happened during their client experience

Before jumping into damage control, take a step back to understand the reasons behind why your client may have left. Here are some things to think about:

  • Did their needs change? Were they looking for something different that we didn’t offer?

  • Was there a communication gap? Was there any confusion or issues that left them frustrated?

  • Were there any early warning signs? Did they mention concerns or frustrations that we didn’t address?

  • How was our response time? Did we take too long to respond or solve their problems?

  • Did we meet their expectations? Were we clear about our products and services, and did we follow through on our promises?

  • Were we proactive or just reactive? Did we stay ahead of their needs, or were we only responding when something went wrong?

  • Did we use the right tools to stay on top of things? Could we have used a tool like a client management platform to track everything better and keep the relationship on track?

This is where a tool like Copper is useful. A good CRM system helps you look at your client interactions. It highlights missed signals or red flags that may have caused your client to leave.

2. Strengthen relationships with existing customers to increase retention

One of the best ways to bounce back from losing a client is to make sure you don’t lose another.

Create a client retention plan that starts with understanding your clients' needs. This way, you can address any issues early.

If you aren’t already, make sure you’re taking detailed notes in your CRM, automating re-kindle emails to clients you haven’t reached out in a while, and integrates with Gmail to keep your emails in sync. With this level of organization, it's easier to build strong, long-term relationships with loyal customers. And, ultimately, this helps you avoid losing important clients in the long run.

Tips to retain clients:

  • Stay connected regularly: Whether it's a quick check-in email or a friendly phone call, make sure you're keeping in touch. Clients enjoy knowing that they are valued! That's why regularly communicating with them shows you’re paying attention.

  • Personalize your interactions: Track important details, like birthdays or business milestones, and send personalized messages. This extra touch can make clients feel special and appreciated.

  • Provide value beyond the basics: Don’t only contact your clients when there’s a problem. Share useful insights, industry trends, or tips that can help their business. Clients will stick with you more if they feel you’re invested in their success.

  • Ask for feedback: Show your clients that their opinions matter. Asking for feedback often helps you find problems early. It also gives clients a say in how you work together.

  • Reward loyalty: Consider offering exclusive deals, discounts, or early access to new services to your long-term clients. Everyone likes to feel like they’re getting something special for sticking around!

Whether it’s a quick "How’s everything going?" email or a follow-up after a meeting, these simple tasks help keep the relationship warm.

3. Focus on your niche to grow your client base

Instead of spreading yourself too thin, why not focus on finding your niche? Specializing in a specific area lets you connect more deeply with clients who really need what you offer.

Sure, having a variety of clients is good, but narrowing down to a niche can help you build stronger, more loyal relationships. Use your CRM to spot trends in the types of clients or industries you’ve worked with successfully. You might find untapped opportunities to dive deeper into a particular market and become the go-to expert.

Refine your ideal customer profile (ICP) and focus on industries or areas where you can really make an impact.

When you’re known for being the best in your niche, clients will stick around longer—and you’ll be less vulnerable to losing a big account. It’s all about playing to your strengths!

4. Network and reconnect to find new clients

Instead of dwelling on the loss, see it as a fresh start—a moment to reach out, expand your network, and connect with potential clients you haven’t tapped into yet.

Here are a few ways to start finding those new clients:

  • Reconnect with old leads: Don’t forget about the leads that didn’t pan out before. Reach out again—you might find that they’re now in a better position to work with you.

  • Ask for referrals: Your satisfied clients are your best advocates. Reach out and ask if they know anyone who could benefit from your services. A referral from a trusted source can open doors to new business.

  • Network and build connections: Whether it's attending industry events, virtual conferences, or local meetups, getting in front of new people is key. Follow up after meeting to keep those conversations going and build relationships.

  • Share valuable content: Use blog posts, videos, or social media to provide helpful information that addresses your target audience's needs. When you give them something useful, they’ll be more likely to engage and see you as an expert.

  • Offer a special promotion: To get people moving, consider running a limited-time offer. Discounts or extra perks can be the perfect incentive to get new clients on board.

By staying active and focusing on building new relationships, you’ll open the door to fresh opportunities and bring in new clients before you know it.

5. Nurture warm leads

You likely have a list of warm leads just waiting to become paying customers, and nurturing those relationships is key to turning them into clients. But there are many ways to keep warm leads engaged beyond just relying on a CRM. Here are some practical, easy-to-implement strategies to nurture those leads and keep the relationship moving forward:

  • Host a webinar or event: A great way to re-engage warm leads is by inviting them to a webinar, workshop, or event that’s relevant to their needs. This gives them an opportunity to learn something valuable while building a stronger connection with your brand.

  • Send a personal message: Sometimes, a personalized email or a quick phone call goes a long way. Skip the automated emails every now and then, and instead, reach out with a message that’s specific to them—mentioning a recent conversation, checking in on their progress, or offering to help with a specific challenge.

  • Share success stories: Once in a while, a little social proof is all it takes to get a lead to take the next step. Share a case study, testimonial, or success story that highlights how you’ve helped someone with similar needs. It can build trust and show them what’s possible.

By using a mix of these strategies, you’ll keep your warm leads engaged and more likely to convert into loyal clients. The goal is to stay present, offer value, and build trust over time.

6. Stay on top of contract renewals and expirations

Missing a contract renewal or letting it expire can be a real headache. It's not just about keeping your client’s business, it's about being proactive and making them feel like they’re in good hands. Plus, it’s a great chance to check in, offer upgrades, or see if they need something new.

Being ahead of the game means less scrambling at the last minute. Clients appreciate when you reach out before their contract is up. Plus, it’s a perfect time to see how things are going, make adjustments, or even offer an upgrade.

Set up reminders or automatic emails to reach out to clients before their contract ends. This way, you can check in, offer something new, or maybe even give them a renewal perk. Staying on top of it keeps things running smoothly and makes clients feel like you're always looking out for them.

7. Keep your team in the loop

One reason businesses lose clients? Lack of communication within your team. When everyone isn’t on the same page, important details slip through the cracks.

Clear communication is key to client retention.

Make sure your entire team (from sales to project delivery) can see all client communications. Your sales, support, and marketing teams need to be aligned to keep clients happy and prevent future losses.

8. Move forward with a plan

Bouncing back from losing a major client means setting up short-term and long-term strategies. In the short term, rebuild your sales pipeline and nurture warm leads to retain your customers.

In the long run, focus on building even stronger client relationships earlier in their customer journey.

With a CRM like Copper, you can easily manage both. Automate follow-ups, keep your team aligned, and stay on top of every client interaction. Every setback is a chance to improve, so take this time to fix your processes and make your business stronger than ever.

Final thoughts

Losing a big client is challenging, but it doesn’t mean it’s all over. Take time to understand what went wrong, use your CRM to nurture leads and strengthen existing relationships, and make sure your team is working together.

With the right approach—and a tool like Copper—you’ll come back even stronger.

Ready to make sure you never lose another client? Try Copper for 14 days for free and see how it can transform the way you manage your customer relationships.

Keep calm, trust your processes, and watch your business grow even after a setback!

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