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The fact that you’re reading this article means that you’re aware of the benefits that a good CRM can offer -- and since you’ve navigated to this title, you are probably wondering if your current CRM is good enough to keep. Well, rest assured that you’re not alone. Many businesses sign up to what seems like a good CRM solution only to be disappointed in the end. If you notice any of the following signs it may be time to look into other CRM software vendors.
Sign # 1 - You’re Losing Leads
If you’ve ever contacted a lead who has already been pitched to, you need a new CRM! An effective CRM application will never let you lose track of your leads or of your deals. Most will contain multiple features that optimize lead and sales management, helping you to track each contact through the pipeline. The most effective CRM application allows users to drag & drop deals into any stage in the pipeline.
Sign # 2 - You’re Spending Too Much Time Updating Data
Do you spend a large chunk of your day typing sales notes or adding contacts? If so, your CRM is definitely dragging you down. Every great B2B knows that time-management is the key to higher sales. The reason? Time-management improves everyday work processes and cuts costs. A successful CRM application offers automated processes that include syncing. Contacts, tasks, emails, and updates are all synced automatically to save time and improve lead management.
Sign # 3 - It Requires Frequent Upgrades
There’s no doubt that the number one goal of your organization is growth. However, in order to achieve sustainable growth you need software and hardware that grows along with your company. The problem many businesses have with their current CRM is a lack of customization. Their CRMs don’t grow with them, so they’re stuck paying high upgrade fees to keep up with their workload. A successful CRM application grows with your company without the need for upgrades or the use of multiple programs.
Sign # 4 - It Isn’t Flexible
When it comes to lead management, marketers and sales managers should be able to assign certain leads to certain salespeople. Some sales agents have extensive experience in certain industries, so it would be advantageous for businesses to match those sales agents to leads in corresponding industries. Traditional CRM tools don't allow for this action, which could cause the business to lose sales. A successful CRM application allows marketers or other team members to match leads with agents who are more likely to close the deal. By doing this, they can increase their sales and reduce the risk of losing valuable leads.
Sign # 5 - It Doesn’t Provide Cross-Team Collaboration
If you can’t communicate with your team members through your CRM, you’re wasting your time! The best CRMs offer features that allow team members to collaborate, communicate and send information across departments. This allows each team and each member to work effectively together, boosting productivity and team collaboration, which yields higher sales. If any of the above signs seem familiar to you don’t be alarmed, many businesses realize that their CRMs aren’t effective months and even years into using them. The good news is that it isn’t too late to change yours.