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Copper news - 2 min READ

Egan Company builds a culture of collaboration with Copper

Minnesota’s largest single-source partner drives growth to $280M in annual revenue

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Author photo: Katrina Oko-Odoi

Katrina Oko-Odoi

Sr. Content Marketing Manager

Maintaining uninterrupted internal communication across 17 teams and 1,000+ employees is a tall order in itself. But with each business operating unit managing its own completely unique workflow, it’s a recipe for missing and inaccurate data. As specialty contracting firm Egan Company grew simultaneously in 12 different specialty trades, it began to experience cracks in customer data and communications.

After a migration away from Microsoft Dynamics to become a fully Google-based business operating out of Gmail, disparate emails and spreadsheets no longer cut it for Egan’s leadership team. Director of Marketing Jessica Johnson spearheaded the search for a new CRM with a deep Gmail integration and easy-to-use interface since more than half of its employees were unfamiliar with CRM.

“Efficiency is critical, and that’s what made the integration with G-suite so important. We didn’t want users keying information in manually anymore, and we wanted the AI piece of pulling data automatically from Gmail.”
Jessica Johnson, Egan Director of Marketing

Copper met the company’s needs to a T. Since then, Egan has grown in size and substantially increased its adoption rate with Copper in the last 4 years.

Flexibility and customization help seal up the cracks

With a unique operating model, Egan Company knew it needed quite a bit of customization for the platform to fully meet its needs. But at that time, a lack of programmers on staff rendered any coding impossible. With Copper, each operating unit was able to easily customize its own pipeline to its unique operational process — while enabling other teams to view its activities and thus support a smooth customer experience across the organization.

Egan has also found value in Copper’s:

  • Mobile app for on-the-go activity tracking
  • Flexible integrations and Open API to build its own integration with Egan’s proprietary job creation platform
  • Reports suite to track key metrics for each operating group
  • Gmail integration for automated syncing of CRM data across users and teams
  • Marketing Tools to support account-based marketing and prospecting efforts

But perhaps the biggest impact has been on company culture, Jessica reports. Get her take — and see all of Egan’s results in the full case study.

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