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Case study: Creative agency returns to Copper after trying HubSpot

From onboarding time to ease of use, Copper's the clear winner for Exit Design

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Author photo: Katrina Oko-Odoi

Katrina Oko-Odoi

Sr. Content Marketing Manager

When sister studios Exit Design and J2 switched to HubSpot from Copper, they quickly realized their mistake. “It became a full-time job to get HubSpot built in a way that was usable to our small team. It wasn’t feasible for us to put in that much time,” explains Studio Director Kelly Jennings. The team was disappointed to discover that HubSpot’s CRM experience wasn’t easy to use out-of-the-box like Copper.

So they switched back, with no regrets. Compared to HubSpot, Kelly explains that Copper is easier to use, more cost-effective and better suited for a small team. From 3 days onboarding Copper versus 3 months with HubSpot, the difference couldn’t be clearer.

Some areas where Kelly’s team think Copper really shines include:

  • Onboarding time and support

  • Ease of use

  • Pipeline functionality

  • Fees

Read the experiential design firm’s full story to discover their results:

Image for post Experiential design studio chooses Copper over HubSpot, again
Exit Design Case Study

Experiential design studio chooses Copper over HubSpot, again

Learn why Exit Design decided to come back to Copper after a disappointing experience with HubSpot.

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