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8 great ways to use Copper’s email automations

Boost efficiency and engagement with email automations.

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Author photo: Jemicah Marasigan

Jemicah Marasigan

Content Marketing Manager

You’ve got a lot going on—emails to send, projects to manage, customers to keep happy. But if you’re still handling all that communication manually, you’re missing out on one of the easiest ways to boost efficiency: automations. Copper’s email automations go beyond just saving time. They help you personalize interactions, stay on top of leads, and keep your customers engaged without adding more to your to-do list.

Ready to let your emails do more of the heavy lifting? Here are eight smart ways to put Copper’s email automation tools to work for you.

1. Follow up with new inquiries from your webform

Imagine this: a potential customer lands on your website, fills out a form, and you instantly follow up without lifting a finger. With Copper’s Forms, that’s exactly what happens.

When you create your form, you can easily capture key information like their name, email, and even information about their project, budget, or how they heard about you. Every time someone submits a form, Copper automatically creates a new Lead or Person for you, organizing all those details into fields.

And instead of manually following up, you can set up email automations to do the work for you: whether it’s thanking them for their interest, offering more details about your services, or inviting them to book a meeting. Strike while the iron is hot!

2. Remind warm leads about their quote

Ever feel like some quotes go cold simply because you didn’t follow up in time? We’ve all been there. Research shows that the more you can reduce the time between a prospect receiving a quote and signing a contract, the more likely you are to win the business.

With Copper’s email automations, you can effortlessly remind your warm leads about the quote you provided, keeping them engaged in your process and moving the relationship forward.

3. Onboard new vendors, partners, and contractors

Onboarding new partners or vendors can be a repetitive slog of sending out welcome emails, paperwork, and guides. Why not let Copper handle that for you? You can set up automatic email sequences to send key documents, onboarding checklists, and FAQs right when they’re needed.

Copper even integrates with Google Drive and DocuSign, making it super easy to send out contracts and track their status. No more chasing down signatures or losing track of paperwork—it’s all automated and seamless.

4. Recognize important customer milestones

Who doesn’t love being remembered on their birthday or anniversary? Copper’s Custom Fields let you track key dates—whether it’s a birthday, a big purchase anniversary, or the day they signed their first contract with you. Once those dates roll around, Copper automations can send out a personalized email to mark the occasion. It’s a simple yet powerful way to show your customers you care. You can even say thank you with one of our many suggestions. Your clients will love it, and your relationships will thank you!

5. Keep customers informed of new industry trends or regulations

Position yourself as a thought leader and trusted source for crucial information. If you’re in an industry where regulations seem to change every five minutes — like financial services or construction — staying ahead of updates is essential. Copper’s segmentation features let you group clients based on their industry or needs, making it super easy to send targeted, relevant updates.

Send out regular summaries or helpful links, and even action steps clients should take to stay compliant. You’ll be the go-to person clients rely on to keep them informed—and they’ll appreciate you for it.

6. Invite your VIPs to a customer appreciation event

Your top clients deserve a little VIP treatment, right? Easily identify your most valuable customers and send them exclusive invites to appreciation events. Whether it’s a virtual get-together or a fancy in-person event, automating personalized invites through email automations ensures your VIPs feel special. No one gets left off the list, and you get to build even stronger relationships with the people who matter most to your business.

7. Request reviews after a project is completed

Congratulations! You’ve just delivered a customer project. It’s the perfect time to reach out and request a review while their memory is fresh — Yelp, Facebook, Thumbtack, or a testimonial on your website.

There’s no better time to ask for a review than right after you’ve wrapped up a project and your customer is still glowing with satisfaction. Follow up to ensure the customer is satisfied with the delivery and (politely) ask for a testimonial.

8. Stay on top of renewals and contract expirations

Ever missed a renewal deadline with a client? It happens, but with Copper you can put an end to that for good. Set up email automations that remind clients about upcoming contract renewals, offer upgrades, or just check in before an expiration date sneaks up. Copper’s Gmail integration ensures these reminders feel natural and personalized, keeping your clients happy and keeping your business running smoothly. No more scrambling—just reliable, automated touchpoints.

Final Thoughts

Copper’s email automations go beyond saving time—they make your communication smarter and more personal. Whether it's instantly following up with new leads, celebrating key customer moments, or staying ahead of contract renewals, automations ensure you never miss an opportunity to engage.

The best part? It's all happening in the background, freeing you up to focus on growing your business. With Copper handling the busywork, you stay efficient and connected. Ready to elevate your workflow? Let Copper’s automations do the heavy lifting while you build lasting customer relationships.

Ready to see Copper in action? Try it free for 14 days — no credit card required — and experience the power of seamless email automation today!

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