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6 ways to use Copper for email marketing

Master the art of marketing and sales emails with our insider tips

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Author photo: Katrina Oko-Odoi

Katrina Oko-Odoi

Sr. Content Marketing Manager

With an impressive ROI of 122%, email marketing is still one of the most powerful ways to win new customers — and keep them.

By promoting your brand, products or services to your contact list over email, email marketing is all about providing useful information or resources to your contacts so they want to engage with you further.

When used strategically, email can support a wide range of objectives — from increasing brand awareness to driving conversions and sales. In our latest Coffee with Copper webinar, we shared some ways you can use Copper to automate and enhance all your email marketing initiatives.

We’re recapping the highlights from the webinar to share some of our best practices.

6 ways to use Copper in your email marketing strategy

Thanks to Copper’s flexibility, there are tons of ways to use it for your marketing and sales email needs.

1. Collect data to segment, understand, and personalize your emails

Personalization is the secret sauce to successful email campaigns. The more relevant and personalized your emails are, the more likely your leads and customers are to stick around and engage with your brand.

As a CRM system, Copper provides the infrastructure to collect and organize critical information about your prospects and customers so you can better understand what content, resources or offers are most likely to keep them engaged. You can apply these insights to segment your audiences and personalize your approach (more on this in a bit).

One of the best ways to use personalization and data to drive results is to align your marketing emails with stages in the buyer’s journey.

For example, the email you send a brand new lead who knows nothing about your service or product will be much different than the email you send to someone who’s expressed interest in purchasing. You might send the fresh lead an email inviting them to watch a video or read a piece of content, whereas an invite to schedule a consultation would be more appropriate for the primed buyer.

Understanding how close your audience is to a purchasing decision can help you identify what actions to take and what types of emails to send them. Copper provides a central place for you to collect, organize, and analyze this data to craft warmer and more personalized emails.

2. Save time and build brand unity with email templates

Cold emails are no way to win over new prospects. But typing out custom emails for every single lead isn’t an efficient way to spend your time, either. That’s where email templates come in.

With Copper, users can create email templates with pre-written copy to send messages to customers at different points in the customer experience and throughout your organization’s workflow. Admins can easily create and share templates with the whole team so that communication is unified across the organization.

Best of all, you can use merge fields to personalize the emails; these fields automatically insert key information pulled from Copper, like:

  • Name
  • Job title
  • Company name
  • And more

Consider creating multiple templates for common scenarios. For example, you might have a template you use for follow-ups after meeting someone at an event, a template for following up after the first phone call, a template to follow up on a proposal you sent and more.

3. Send to multiple contacts at once without losing personalization — with bulk emails

Sure, you can use BCC to email multiple customers at once, but it isn’t the most professional route to go, and it’s a bit of a pain. Copper makes it easier (and more professional) to email numerous customers at once with our bulk email feature.

With bulk email, you can send the same email to all your customers at once or run a targeted email campaign to a certain segment. Just like with templates, you can use merge fields to customize the bulk email to make it more personalized.

Plus, you can use templates with bulk email to save even more time: just use one of your existing templates to send to multiple contacts at once.

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4. Nurture your customers and leads throughout the customer journey using marketing tools sequences

We already talked about using email to nurture customers throughout the buying journey. But Copper makes it possible to automate these emails — so your buyers are being targeted at the right time, with no manual work from you.

Part of our Marketing Tools suite, Copper’s email sequences allow you to automatically send personalized emails to your Copper contacts based on a set criterion like:

  • Lead status
  • Content type
  • Tags
  • Segments

This way, you can immediately follow up with prospects at different stages in the pipeline, like after sending a price estimate. You can also use this function to set up and send drip campaigns that push out emails at certain times.

Email sequences are great for other action-oriented purposes, too. For example, maybe you just hosted a webinar and want to ensure that every contact who attended gets a follow-up email automatically. As you can see, this feature can help you do just that:

Plus, all the email engagement is logged in your contact’s activity record so that you can track performance. (For a step-by-step guide on how to set up an automation like this, check out this video).

5. Create beautiful email newsletters and announcements with our Mailchimp integration

Newsletters and announcement emails (like product launches) are a terrific way to stay top-of-mind and promote engagement with your brand. As one of the leading email marketing platforms, Mailchimp allows customers to build beautiful, visually appealing email templates, manage email lists, run campaigns, and organize content in one place.

Copper’s native Mailchimp integration with two-way sync lets you marry the functionality of Mailchimp with the power of Copper.

Copper connects right to Mailchimp, so you can automatically sync contacts between the two platforms, making it easy to plug your Copper contacts into lists and your Mailchimp contacts into Copper.

Once the sync is up and running, you can also have Mailchimp activities appear right inside your Copper content record, like: the number of campaigns a contact has been in, the number of emails they received, their click and open rate and more — without ever having to leave Copper.

6. Perfect your sales email cadences with additional integrations

The ultimate goal of email marketing is to increase sales. A perfectly timed email marketing funnel is one way to ensure you do that. But increasing your bottom line takes more than just marketing emails — you also need to incorporate sales emails into your strategy.

Copper can help with this. For one, our new reporting feature helps you easily track and mine data to see how many emails are being sent by your sales team. Plus, Copper offers native integrations, API connections and Zapier functionality to integrate seamlessly with all your sales tools.

For example, Copper can quickly connect to the sales email automation platform PersistIQ so you can sync and share data and activity between the two platforms automatically.

Our Copper team uses integrations like these in our own sales process — especially considering that email is one of our main channels for connecting with customers. As with marketing emails, using features like email templates and bulk email can make some of the earlier sales touchpoints much more efficient.

By taking advantage of email automation features inside Copper and honing your marketing email campaigns, your sales department can spend much less time on manual tasks and “warming up” prospects and a lot more time crafting the perfect responses to your existing customers and those closer to the purchasing point.

Harness Copper’s email tools to level up your email marketing efforts

Email marketing is an excellent way to earn and retain customers. With the right email marketing campaigns, you can quickly warm up your prospects and close more deals. Successful email marketing involves a combination of:

  • Personalization
  • Automation
  • Good copy
  • Strategy

Copper makes it easy to personalize and automate your marketing emails and bring your email strategies to life. From our email templates to our native integrations, we make it easy to get stellar results on your email marketing initiatives – like a 300% increase in email open rates.

And we’ve got you covered on the email writing front, too. Download our Email copywriting checklist for a simple guide to improving your email copy:

Image for post Become a better email writer
Your Email copywriting checklist

Become a better email writer

Learn email copywriting best practices and improve your email marketing efforts.

At Copper, we’re dedicated to helping our customers build lasting relationships with their customers, and one avenue to accomplish this is email. That’s why we’ve incorporated various tools to make your email marketing easier and more automated.

New to Copper? Try it free for 14 days, no credit card required.

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