Organize contacts
Keep all your relationships in one place
Track deals
Set up the pipelines that work for you
Manage projects
Build workflows that keep everything moving
Elevate emails
Build, personalize, scale and automate
Automate tasks
Create recurring tasks and notifications
Get reports
See how your business is doing with custom reports
Integrate apps
Connect to your favorite apps and tools
Mobile app
Stay connected wherever you go
Google Workspace CRM
Manage contacts, deals, and more, in one place
Try Copper free
Power your lead gen and project delivery
Grow client relationships and simplify work
Media & Creators
Manage sponsors, partners, and campaigns easily
Corporate Development
Nurture founder relationships and outreach
Financial Services
Manage finances and compliance with ease
Win bids and deliver your team’s best work
Try Copper free
Google Workspace CRM
Discover tips and strategies to grow your business
Tune in and learn from our experts
Guides and eBooks
Upgrade your CRM skills with expert advice
CRM 101
What is CRM and why do you need it?
Customer stories
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Help Center
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Developer API
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Try Copper free
Go to Copper
Google Workspace CRM
Go to Copper
Organize contacts
Keep all your relationships in one place
Track deals
Set up the pipelines that work for you
Manage projects
Build workflows that keep everything moving
Elevate emails
Build, personalize, scale and automate
Automate tasks
Create recurring tasks and notifications
Get reports
See how your business is doing with custom reports
Integrate apps
Connect to your favorite apps and tools
Mobile app
Stay connected wherever you go
Google Workspace CRM
Manage contacts, deals, and more, in one place
Integrate Copper with your favorite apps in one click ⚡
Chrome extension
Manage contacts, deals, emails, and more in one place ✨
Mobile app
Log calls and SMS automatically so accounts are always up to date.
Copper for
Power your lead gen and project delivery
Grow client relationships and simplify work
Media & Creators
Manage sponsors, partners, and campaigns easily
Corporate Development
Nurture founder relationships and outreach
Financial Services
Manage finances and compliance with ease
Win bids and deliver your team’s best work
"With Copper, there was almost no setup time since it worked with Gmail. Plus, there were all these integrations that we could use right away. We were sold."
"It took us 3 months at HubSpot and it took us 3 days to get up and running in Copper. Copper is so much easier for a small team."
“We use Copper for inbound and outbound, both to sell and to service. It touches all parts of our business, rather than just serving as a sales pipeline or our client rolodex.”
Discover tips and strategies to grow your business
Tune in and learn from our experts
Guides and eBooks
Upgrade your CRM skills with expert advice
CRM 101
What is CRM and why do you need it?
Customer stories
Get inspired and learn from Copper customers
Help Center
Find answers and tips for mastering Copper
Developer API
Build apps that connect with Copper
Customer stories
How Curology used Copper to transform their partnership strategy
How Curology used Copper to transform their partnership strategy