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Coming soon to Copper: Three new features in Lists

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Author photo: Jan Natividad

Jan Natividad

Product Marketing Manager

You may not realize it, but when you’re in a CRM system daily, lists are one of the most-used features. Whether you’re looking at people, companies, opportunities or tasks; you’re likely viewing them as a list several times throughout your day. Which means that a poor list view experience could negatively impact your productivity.

With an eye on improving this experience for our customers, we’re thrilled to announce that the Copper team has been hard at work on a new list views experience. Get ready to upgrade your CRM experience and focus on what you do best — growing your business.

Here are three new features coming soon to Copper’s list views:

  • Redesigned list views
  • In-line editing
  • Creating basic lists

Redesigned list views

The redesigned list views experience

Copper users spend the majority of their time looking at lists. That’s why we decided to give our list views a makeover. When redesigning Copper lists, we wanted to make sure:

  • Data is easy to understand
  • Lists are intuitive
  • Lists are fun to look at

With new list views, we added design elements like fresh colors, icons, bubbles and a grid to make it easier than ever to recognize and navigate your lists. New list views are the definition of form and function.

We also increased the size of the record preview side panel so you can view more information about your record at a glance. This is especially helpful when you want to read over the logged activities in a record.

Finally, you no longer need to leave your list view if you want to open a different record type. For example, when you click on a company name while in a People list view, instead of being redirected to the full page company record, it opens the company in the preview side panel.

Redesigned list views are currently in private beta. This feature will launch for all users in July 2023 — stay tuned!

In-line editing

You can make in-line edits in any field, including Comments
You can edit the People Type directly from list views

In an effort to help users accomplish more of their workflow from a single screen, it only made sense to introduce in-line editing. This means that you’ll be able to make updates to any field you see without leaving the page you’re on; you won’t even have to open the preview side panel. Whether you’re fixing a small typo or updating several values, in-line editing will save you time and energy as you stay in the flow.

This new feature makes Copper one of the few CRM systems that allows users to seamlessly make edits from the list view.

In-line editing is set to launch in early fall 2023.

Creating basic lists

Choose between an active (dynamic) list or a basic (manual) list
Customize your list however you'd like

The ability to create basic lists already exists in Copper, but we've now improved the experience to make it more intuitive. When creating a list, you’ll have the choice between creating an active list that dynamically adds records that match your filters or a basic list where you can manually choose which records are included in the list. Say goodbye to complex tags that you need to filter in order to make a basic list, and say hello to a new way to prioritize and organize your people, companies, opportunities and tasks.

Basic lists are set to launch in 2024.

Get ready to upgrade your productivity with Copper lists

With redesigned list views, in-line editing and the ability to create basic lists, you and your team will have the tools you need to upgrade your productivity and efficiency even more. Stay tuned for the upcoming releases. We’re excited to continue to be a part of your business’ growth story!

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